It feels good to know that somewhere some company is taking seriously the needs of a woman, her worries and anxieties, and developing their products around their research! Mayon’s EvesCare products are truly valuable and essential to every woman who doesn’t shy away from her wishes, and wants to do something about them before the agony begins to take toll on her! So, thank you Mayon’s for producing EvesCare range – we really needed them!
I have been using Mayon’s Aloe Vera plus Marigold regularly from sometime now, and my skin feels so soft to touch! I think my skin is well-nourished and moisturized now, hence that soft feel! What makes me so glad is that this cream also saves me many unhealthy makeup touchups! Mayon’s Aloe Vera plus Marigold is just what my skin needs! Thank you, Mayon’s!
I recently recovered from an illness, but obviously my health had taken a downward course since. I was recommended Mayon’s Bio-Malt, a nutritive health tonic with Malt-Honey, and I have been taking it since three weeks now. And really, I’m feeling much less stressed these days. Beginning to feel better! Bio-Malt is truly working, I think.