Bio Malt – Nutritive Tonic
- A well balanced Malt-Honey based tonic
- Specially for underweight children, aged people, pregnant women, executives, students, energy, growth & stress
Biochemic Medicine
- Biochemic Tablets Twelve Tissue Remedies
- Presented in complete range from 3X to 200X potency as per
- Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of India
Bonegun – Blister Pack
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylosis – Arthalgia
Ineffective poly arthiritis – Gout
Osteo arthiritis &
Non articular rheumatism
For: Blister Pack
Pack Size: 60 Tab.
Tablet :Calc. Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, Natrum Phos, Magnesium Phos, Berberis Vul, Cuasticum, Rododendron Chry, Rhus Tox
Bonegun Strong & Healthy Bones
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Ankylosing spondylosis
- Arthalgia-Spondylosis
- Fibrosis-Ineffective poly arthiritis
- Gout-Osteo arthiritis
- Non articular rheumatism
Caculin-M Kidney care syrup
- Reduces inflammation & burning pain in kidney region
- Reduces strain while urinating, renal calculi, renal colic
Calculin – M – Drop
Reduces inflammation & burning pain in kidney region
Reduces strain while urinating, renal calculi, renal colic
Form: Drop
Pack Size:30 ml
Ingredients: Berberis Vulgaris, Ocimum Can, Sarsaparilla, Pareria Brav, Senecio Aur, Solidago Virgaurea
Calendula Healing & Antiseptic Cream
Uses: Promotes rapid healing of
- Open wounds & cuts
- Bruises & blisters
- Post surgical dressing
Calendula Healing & Antiseptic Gel
- Promotes rapid healing of open wounds & cuts Bruises & blisters
- Post surgical dressing
Cantharis Cream-Healing for Burns & Blisters
- Very effective for bums & blisters
- Promotes tissue regeneration
- Prevents scarring
Citrus Body Wash-with Lemon, Lime & Orange
Lemon extract helps even the skin tone, Orange extract removes blemishes & Pigmentation, Green tea extract diminishes signs of ageing.
Form: Body Wash
Pack size: 200 ml, 300 ml
Ingredients: Extract of Lime, Lemon, Orange, Green tea & Alovera
Clean Up Complexion Cream
- Specially blended with herbal extracts for the removal of pimples, comedones, sun bums, scars on skin and irregular pigmentation
> Prevention and treatment of flu related symptoms, like cough fever and body ache
* FOR : immunity Buster
* Pack Size : 6 Ampules for 1 pack
> Eupatorium Perliatum 200
> Arsenicum Album 200
> Zincum Muriaticum 200
> Camphora 1M
> Saturated in Globules
Corozin-Flu Shielder,Immunity Enhancer
- Prevention and Treatment of flu related symptoms like cough, fever, and bodyache